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Gemini Bright - Rated PG-13: By Longtail - This is my OTHER online comic, a fantasy based epic about Matt, a rebellious kid without a clue, who manages to transport himself into a world of mages, monsters, magic, and mayhem! The fate of two worlds rests precariously on his shoulders...will he and his friends be able to solve the puzzle, stop the war, defeat the dictator, find the missing prince, and make it through with their sanity intact?

User Friendly - Rated PG: By J.D. Frazer - a hilarious comic for all you who have ever had to suffer with computers and the idiots that use them.

Sluggy Freelance - Rated PG-13: By Peter Abrahms - this one will OWN you. Homicidal bunny rabbits, adorable aliens, clueless but lovable web designers, mad scientist best friends, girls who turn into camels...just read it.

Buddies in Big Places - Rated R/XXX: By Seth C. Triggs - A furry comic about life, sex, being childfree, and impossible situations. Makes your life look positively normal!

Eversummer Eve - Rated PG: By Denise Jones - A beautiful online fantasy manga about a naive and clutzy college student suddenly discovers he has incredible powers, and incredible enemies. Bishy elves, brooding brothers, and bitchy dragons abound!

Mixed Myth - Rated PG-13: By Robin - The silly, but beautifully drawn and funny adventures of one half elf/half goblin girl and her friends, a snarky pooka, a slightly clueless sphinx, and a clever selki-werewolf, as they deal with foppy elves and the magic of Cinamatique...

The Pantheon - Rated R/XXX: By Timmerryn - A well done and hilarious look at what could possibly happen if different gods from different pantheons interacted with each other. The main character is Satan. No, really! If you have a healthy sense of humor about religion, you WILL get a good laugh out of this one.

The Flipside - Rated PG-13: By Brion Foulke - another beautifully done fantasty manga about a freespirited jester lady with the unlikely name of "Maytag." When she and her warrior friend Bernadette take jobs as bodygaurds for a traveling wizard, it becomes a lesson in life, love, friendship, and not letting the little things get you down.

Shonen Chikara - Rated R: By the Animequeens - There are plenty of magical GIRLS out there, but how many magical BOYS do you see? Watch as four VERY reluctant young men become some of the first with help from their flatulant teacher in this strange but very amusing little manga.

The Sinner Dragon - Rated R/XXX: By Gilda - A stunningly beautiful, sexy, sensual, and funny comic about a half-dragon/half-elf man named Kaim, his naive but sweet werewolf friend Tristan, and his over-sexed but lovable adventurer elf cousins, Sasha and Elsa.

Incubus - Rated R/XXX: By Charlotte - Set in Victorian era France, this is a beautiful, but dark and gritty comic about one young man's entanglement with an incubus, as his wife and a demon lord both fight for their worlds and their lives.

Vinci and Arty - Rated PG: By Trixie - this is a sweet comic about a gay furry couple and their dealings with relatives, friends, work, life, kleptomania, and Krispy Kreme donuts. :)

Oriyan! - Rated PG: By Celeste Smith and Jessica Hymas - Oryian can't remember who he is. All he knows is he was fighting something and lost his memory, and now he's on a quest to get it back with his friend Ceria, an elf mage/theif who is fleeing from her own troubled past and took pity on him. But as more of Oriyan's past unfolds, the more the both of them start to wish they had left it where it was. Adorable homicidal bishonen and quirky magic flinging elves. Who can ask for more?

Valkyrie Yuuki - Rated PG-13: By Kittyhawke - A young man in modern day Tokyo suddenly gets more than his fill of Viking history when the Norse god Hermod transforms him into a girl! Worse, he/she is now the next Valkyrie set to save the world from being destoryed the evil Fire Giant, Surt, and the coming of Ragnarok. Can he/she possibly defeat the most legendary monsters of Norse mythology with almost NO training, and the trickster god Loki dogging at his/her heels? Well, maybe with enough "pocky" and frequent anime breaks...

Trilokan - Rated PG?: By Subi - currently on hold, but what's up is pretty darned funny and well done! Another lovely online manga that kind of parallel universes itself in two different offshoots!

Unicornography - Rated MA: By Tanamin - What IS a unicorn's day job? What do they do in their spare time? Do they have hobbies? Read it and find out, and be sure to go to the bathroom first!

Cat and Girl - Rated MA: By Dorothy Gambrell - Next to impossible to explain, but it's about a girl and her cat and their STRANGE imaginations. Quirky, gothy, and slightly sardonic, it will nevertheless make you smile.

Online Comics.Net - Not a comic, but HUNDREDS of online comics about anything and everything you can think of!

The Belfry Comics Index - One of the most comprehensive and easy to use sources of Furry comics anywhere! If you don't check the Belfry, you are missing out!

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All artwork is ©2003 to Longtail unless otherwise noted. Any reproduction on the web without permission, theft, plagerizing, public use or sale of artwork is strictly prohibited. If you see any theft or plagerization of anything you see here, please Contact Me.