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Apollo 9 Fanart!

Pinup PJ - By Seth C. Triggs. PJ looks smooth and poses for the camera in his flight jacket.
BiBP Meets A9 - By Seth C. Triggs. The cast of Buddies in Big Places meets PJ and Syzygy of A9.
On The Prowl - By Seth C. Triggs. A little one shot comic about the dangers of inter-planetary dating!

Apollo 9 Design notes
These are the first sketches and design notes I've had on the characters and the enviroment.

Seth's Notes - Seth of Buddies in Big Places has been a tremendous help to me getting the technical details and ship designs down. These are some of his sketches that he generously donated his time to do for me.

Takeoff - A pic of the Apollo 9 in take-off.
Apollo 9 Engine Detail - Detailing of Apollo's engine.

My Notes - These are the drawings I came up with.

Cast Designs - These are the first sketches I did ever of PJ, Updike, Cirini, and Roz. I think the one of Updike remains my favorite. And yes, Roz's name used to be Smith before it became Bradley.
Space Suit Designs - Syz and Zooey model the suit designs I did for when the crew go out into hostile atmospheres. I only needed on design for the 'taurs and one for the bipeds, so I chose the two most difficult of each to model them.
Syzygy's Day Off - What Syz does in hir spare time.
Syzygy - This is the first pic of Syz I ever did. Shi orginally was my MUCK character, and I've always been fond of hir. So rather than retire hir for good, I gave hir hir own comic. :)
Cute n' Fluffy - Zooey also was one of my MUCK creations and grew very fond of. This is the first pic of Zooey I did about two years ago. It's yucky and old, but I still like this one.

White Fur

G - PG-13 rating

Jack - Jack Sparrow as a jackel. Why not? :3
Longtail and Sunny - A couple of friends hugging.
Longtail's New Doo - Quick little sketch of myself after I got my hair cut.
Tiger Boy - A little birthday gift I did for Sunny in his tiger form. Done in colored pencil.
Tyrone and Fawns - My stag character Tyrone having a fatherly moment with his two little fawns.
K'Tauk'Tau - An alien species from Furscape.
Snow MEYOW! - A black and white commission I did of a snow leopard boi.
Whoa - A couple of Seth's characters, Ari and his boyfriend Dirk check out my bishy dragon character, King Daray. :3

Black Stripes

R - NC-17 rating

Sami - A quick sketch of one of Seth's characters that I did for him.
Whoops! - A little kitsune has a little trouble with her bikini straps!
Tyrone's Wish - A girl wishes to be turned into a doe for Tyrone, and it comes true. :3

My Other Gallerys!

Longtail's Lair - My General Art Gallery

Realm of the Runespoor - A Harry Potter Fanart Gallery

Gemini Bright! - My Other Online Comic!

All artwork is ©2003 to Longtail unless otherwise noted. Any reproduction on the web without permission, theft, plagerizing, public use or sale of artwork is strictly prohibited. If you see any theft or plagerization of anything you see here, please Contact Me.